When was HIPAA enacted?

HIPAA  was enacted on August 21, 1996, as a federal law in the United States, with the primary aim of improving healthcare portability, ensuring health insurance coverage for individuals transitioning between jobs, and establishing comprehensive […]

What is HIPAA training about?

HIPAA training is about educating healthcare professionals and employees on the regulations, policies, and procedures related to the privacy, security, and proper handling of protected health information (PHI), emphasizing the importance of safeguarding patient privacy, […]

What is the purpose of HIPAA?

The purpose of HIPAA is to protect the privacy and security of individuals’ health information, ensure the portability of health insurance coverage, standardize electronic transactions in healthcare, and establish regulatory standards for the safeguarding of […]

Who enforces HIPAA?

HIPAA  is enforced by the Office for Civil Rights (OCR), which operates under the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and is responsible for investigating complaints, conducting audits, and imposing penalties for violations […]